Warman Osler Skating Club Fundraising Options:
Each family unit will have the option of doing $200.00 of fundraising or paying the additional $200.00 upfront on the first day of skating. If you choose the fundraising option, a post-dated cheque dated January 1, 2022, will be required on the first day of skating or your skater(s) will not be able to participate in lessons.
The fundraising options for the 2021/22 season will be as follows:
CO-OP Gift Cards
New this year, we have the opportunity to sell Co-op Gift Cards. The gift cards can be purchased in the denominations of $25.00, $50.00, and $100.00. These gift cards can be used at Saskatoon Co-ops or any other participating Co-ops in Western Canada. An order form is on the website, or you can acquire a copy from a Warman Osler Skating Club Board Member. The deadline for order forms and payment will be no later than December 3, 2021. We anticipate orders will arrive within a week.
Cowboy’s Caviar Beef Jerky
Brought back by popular demand, we will again offer Cowboy’s Caviar Beef Jerky as a fundraising option. An order form is on the website, or you can acquire a copy from a Warman Osler Skating Club Board Member. The deadline for order forms and payment will be no later than December 3, 2021. We anticipate orders will arrive within a week.
Skate Canada Raffle Books
These raffle books offer the best return to the Club. The cost is $100.00/book, and they can be obtained from a Board Member upon request.
Public Skate Marshalling
An email will be sent from the Club with details. Two individuals can sign up on our doodle poll totaling a $50.00 credit towards fundraising. Please refer to the email for more details.
If you have any fundraising questions, please contact the club at or visit our Facebook page: Warman Osler Skating Club. Check the website regularly for updates!
Order forms and/or e-transfer payments for all fundraising, can be sent to our email.
*For e-transfers – please make note of the seller’s name from your order form and use password wosc2021
In person orders are also accepted. Orders will not be submitted unless payment has been received.
**If the $200.00 fundraising is completed by December 31, 2021, your post-dated cheque will be destroyed**
Happy Fundraising!